This Web site promotes putting science back into library science. Librarians are doing a great job sharing ideas using technology. Unfortunately, we are not using science to test those ideas.
The Central Kansas Library System is developing a simple science methodology.
- Read past experiments testing what works and the researcher's explanation/claim for why it worked.
- Based on past experiments and their explanations, list what we think works and what else might work.
- Create and execute simple experiments testing what else works.
- Record the results to build a collection of knowledge and understanding of what works.
The left-side menu called "Past experiments" provides links to more detailed summaries of experiments on patrons' use of the library.
The right-side menu links to "proposed experiments" mentioned in the essays.
At this time, CKLS is working on a "reader-friendly library" initiative. Therefore, the current focus of the experiments described and ideas discussed is about how readers select books in libraries.