The Effect of a poster, display and recommended listening list on circulation of audiobooks in the public library

by Linda Kucalaba
Master's Research Paper, Kent State University, 2000.

Hypothesis rejected: "The librarian's use of a poster, display and recommended listening list would result in the increased library circulation of audiobooks."

Experiment rejecting hypothesis

Location: Branches of Youngstown and Mahoning County Public Library

  • Austintown
  • Boardman
  • Canfield
  • Main
  • Experimental group #1: Boardman using listening list
  • Experimental group #2: Canfield using display
  • Experimental group #3: Main using poster
  • Control group: Austintown
  • Pre-test period: September 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999, circulation measured for audiobooks for all groups with no marketing.
  • Test period: October 1, 1999 to October 31, 1999, circulation measured for audiobooks for all groups while marketing is active.

One month of marketing produced little increase in the circulation of audiobooks.
  • Listening list: +4%
  • Display: +19%
  • Poster: -5%
These increases were not statistically significant. This means we can not say the increases are caused by the marketing methods. Therefore, the hypothesis is not supported.